Thursday, August 23, 2007

Little "A" New Room

For those of you who were asking me about the baby's room, I only can describe the color but deep details will not be revealed until the birth of the baby. I want to make it surprise for AnnaMaria so I have installed a new door knob with a key for me only and she will not be able to see the room til baby's birth. I can tell you that the room color is the top half of the room above the chair rail molding is a light soft yellow and the bottom half is a light soft sage green color. The moldings are white. The crib and dresser will be a tea stain pinehurst color to last for future years. Sorry Guys, I can't tell ya anymore further :) I promise to take a picture of the room as soon as the birth and Little "A" will be posing as a model in the new room!

Also, people have asked me if we did a baby registry. We did our baby registry in both Target and Baby R Us. Just type the name AnnaMaria Shaffer and city we live is Powell, TN. We would like to ask you a favor if you are planning to purchase something on the registry, the people told me to be sure you let the cashier know to take it off the list so we don't end up getting something double. Thanks! Have Fun ! We are coming up to Maryland on the weekend of Sept. 7th to 10th.


Adam/Tracy said...

Time is ticking! Only a few more months and the little one will be here! The only advice I can give you right now is to get the baby's room completely done at least 7 weeks before the baby's arrival date. Did not have my oldest's room done before he was born. He decided to come to the world 6 1/2 weeks early! My wife wasn't too happy with me. lol

Hope all is going well.

Anonymous said...

Tell us about your trip to Maryland. And now that I am back from the Left Coast I want to see you both so lets pick a time. Hi Adam, how are you.

Loove Dad

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris and AnnaMarie!
This is Renee...Chris' Mom's friend from Monroe! I haven't seen you since your glorious Wedding Day and now I see God has blessed you with the awesome responsibility of parenthood! I am soooooo excited for you!!!! It was Jeff who actually told me about your pregnancy while at a La-Z-Boy Picnic this summer. I spoke to your Mom last evening (for the first time in too long!!) and she caught me up with everything. She shared this site with me...hope that was okay! I love seeing all the photos and reading your descriptions!
Okay...better go...but it feels so good to be reconnected with you!
I will be praying for a continued healthly pregnancy, labor & delivery, and Baby "A!"
Renee' Darrow