Friday, July 13, 2007

The Ultrasound of Little "A"

Finally, the video of our Secret baby in AnnaMaria's "Beer Belly" has arrived but unfortunately the video got cut off short. I will post the lost portion of the video on the next post in a week or so. If you can figure it out whether Little "A" is a boy or a girl but i didn't get it right on the first time til the specialist told me the true sex life of the baby. You can tell that I'm a Newbie Daddy To Be ! If you know the answer, Don't tell AnnaMaria because she doesn't want to know til baby arrival. Enjoy!


David Tai said...

Wow, AM. How do you stand the suspense of not knowing? I say ... FEH!

Don't worry. It's not a boy or a girl. It's a little alien about to burst out of your stomach.

We could name the tyke Alien or Aliena. What do you think?

... I'm in so much trouble for this, aren't I?

Anonymous said...

LOL I like Davids post. I cant tell anything in the sonogram! its all one big blob to me. But thanks for putting it up.

Anonymous said...

Run, it's the blob!

Come to us my little he-she...
The uncles are waiting to spoil you.

Love ya all,

Anonymous said...

I can't make out anything but AM's mom says she sees all sorts of details. I'm convinced its wishful imagination. She has a complete baby store building up here for both make and female. Anna remember how she was with MIKASA? Its twice aas bad with "things for the baby"!

Love DAD Szabo

Adam/Tracy said...

You got a thing coming your way! We're excited for you two.