Friday, May 11, 2007

2nd Dr. appt

Well we had our 2nd dr appt. this past mon and it went really fast. It might have lasted maybe 10 mins. I keep planning for longer but that won't come just yet. That one is at/near 20 weeks where we get another pic ultrasound. During that time we can see if the baby would be a boy or girl. I personally dont want to know until birth at least for my 1st but Chris and others want to so a little disagreement there heh. This dr. appt just checked my weight and blood pressure and heard the baby's heartbeat. My weight dropped a little b/c i lost my appetite for a couple of weeks. Don't get me wrong i was still eating but forcing food and not as much. I've gradually gotten my appetite back and eating now. The baby's heartbeat was faster than before, it went up to 181 bpm. It was freaky for a little bit b/c I didn't think it was supposed to be that high but she said that's normal. We'll see what it will be at the next appt in a month.

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