Friday, July 13, 2007

The Ultrasound of Little "A"

Finally, the video of our Secret baby in AnnaMaria's "Beer Belly" has arrived but unfortunately the video got cut off short. I will post the lost portion of the video on the next post in a week or so. If you can figure it out whether Little "A" is a boy or a girl but i didn't get it right on the first time til the specialist told me the true sex life of the baby. You can tell that I'm a Newbie Daddy To Be ! If you know the answer, Don't tell AnnaMaria because she doesn't want to know til baby arrival. Enjoy!

Monday, July 9, 2007

The Long Waiting Post !!

Today, we went to see the baby doctor and got the ultrasound of the baby. It was a very exciting moment to see our baby in AnnaMaria's "Beer Belly" :) The Specialist even recorded two minutes worth of video. AnnaMaria kept looking away when the specialist was trying to determine the sex of the baby. I took a peek trying to figure out what sex the baby is but guessed wrong. It was so fascinating to see all the parts of the baby like the arms , legs, head and spine. Even the heart pumping and the stomach shows. WOW ! We are very excited and cant wait to have this baby. The coolest part is you can see the baby's feet moving when the ultrasound person move around AnnaMaria's tummy with a little pressure. On one part of the ultrasound it looks like it's tapping it's feet to the rhythm of the heart and the tech said it was holding it's foot in the beginning.
The Doctor say
the baby's organs and body is perfectly normal and healthy. I think the doctor said the baby is about 12 ounces right now in a growth span of 20 1/2 weeks.
I know what the baby's sex is because I want to know so i can start designing the baby's room and the room will be locked next week. AnnaMaria doesn't want to know the baby's sex and she will not allow to be in the baby's room until the birth arrives. I'm so excited to bring all my creative mind to create the baby's room.
The video of the ultrasound will be coming up on the next post because I have to give the VHS to my co-worker so he can transfer the video into the DVD and then i will download to the computer and Upload into this blogger. Give me a week or sooner. I ll give ya a mass email of video coming up.
Sorry for the long wait post because I was in the middle of peak season for garden and now it is finally over after the 4th of July. So I promise to keep this blogger updated more frequently.